The Neuroscience & Psychology of the Arts

Artistica Dynamica aims to spread scientific findings about the arts to inspire you toward better health and well-being

How do the arts improve our brains & minds? What happens neurologically and psychologically with artistic experiences?


How can the arts enhance mental health and well-being?

from a poem by Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

The brain is wider than the sky,

For, put them side by side,

The one the other will include 

With ease, and you beside.

The brain is deeper than the sea, 

For, hold them, Blue to Blue, 

The one the other will absorb, 

As sponges, buckets do...

The arts are much more significant than most people realize

People often think of arts & crafts in 7 different ways: 

(1) creativity

(2) expression

(3) folk culture

(4) fashion/style

(5) entertainment

(6) fine arts 

(7) background* 

*By background, we mean architecture, interior decor, restaurant background music, or movie music which most people pay limited attention to unless the style bothers them. Any great musician, music, or visual art is diminished in this way by an inattentive audience.

Can the arts dramatically improve your life for the better?

Research* indicates that people should seize the deeper benefits from the arts:

(1) learning music can profoundly expand a child's IQ

(2) music can be therapeutic for adults 

(3) dance can be therapeutic for adults 

(3) visual art can be therapeutic for adults


What if we fully realize how crucial and uncomplicating - yet underutilized - the arts truly are for various types of psychiatric diseases and neurologic disorders

What if we understand how speech language therapyart therapy, music therapy, and dance/movement therapy function to improve psychiatric or neurological problems?

Oh what wonderful benefits we would enjoy without side effects! 

*In addition to research, other forms of arts have been reportedly helpful in other ways

Our Partners


A free app and free database of worldwide emergency & crisis hotlines from 223 countries, territories, and islands.

Flourish Solutions

A software social enterprise which creates apps to help people with emergencies, crisis management, and positive psychology.

Concert for Children's Rights in Austria

Concert for Children's Rights

Concert for Children's Rights is a new series of annual concerts which is focused upon the psychological and social needs and solutions for children around the world. This year's concert is titled "A Voice for Children" and will feature Dolph Lundgren, the Vienna Girls' Choir, the Vienna Boys' Choir, and Albert Frantz in Vienna.

Our Endeavor

Artistica Dynamica is a non-profit endeavor which uses performances and interviews to elucidate the wonderful knowledge and therapeutic applications of the arts according to neuroscience studies and psychology studies for the greater public for their edification, humanity, and well-being.