Guest Artists

Additional Performers for 2024

The following musicians have joined our ensemble:

Minjoo Choo

Dr. Choo is a concert pianist who completed her extensive graduate school studies at Boston University and the New England Conservatory of Music (NECM). She teaches at Neighborhood Music in New Haven, CT.

Freddy Morest

Freddy Morest is a cello student of Oberlin Conservatory. Freddy joined the Musica Dynamica ensemble to demonstrate brain functions in several school districts.

Albert Frantz

Mr. Frantz is an official Boesendorfer concert pianist in Vienna, Austria who had won a Fulbright to enjoy his graduate school studies with Professor Paul Badura-Skoda at the Music & Arts Univ of the City of Vienna.

Laura Kowal

Laura Kowal is a piano student who lives in the NYC area. Laura joined the Musica Dynamica ensemble to perform in senior living centers and nursing homes.

The trees did wave their plumy crests, 

The glad birds caroled clear; 

The music ceased; the noonday dream,

Like dream of night, withdrew; 

But Fancy, still, will sometimes deem 

Her fond creation true.

from a poem by Emily Bronte (1818-1849)